Volunteers have an important role in our activities and they are fundamental for the development of our community.
MilanoAltruista aim is to make everyone feel safe and welcome, including volunteers and other people involved in the projects. Your support to our community will be very appreciated, if you follow the guidelines below.
Volunteers need to apply for a project and withdraw their application on MilanoAltruista website or contacting the Project Leader directly. Don’t show up for a project you didn’t apply for, because you will not be able to participate.
Please arrive to the site of the activity at least 5-10 minutes before the beginning and contact the Project Leader. Please follow the Project Leader’s directions.
Please follow the onlus instructions, especially regarding contacts with minors.
Please do not take pictures without the approval of the Project Leader AND the onlus coordinator. Confidentiality of clients must be respected.
Avoid attachment. Ask the Project Leader about reasonable ways to express your feelings.
Gifts or donations for each client need to be approved by the Project Leader, MilanoAltruista point of contact or the Onlus coordinator.
MilanoAltruista will find a suitable accommodation for disabled people and ask disabled volunteers who need special requirements to let MilanoAltruista know about those. Information about disabilities and special requirements will be treated with confidentiality.
Milano Altruista don’t make any discriminations regarding gender, ethnicity, skin colour, religion, origin, age, disability or experience. All volunteers need to behave accordingly.
Dress appropriately for the project, following the specific guideline on the project website. If the dress code is notspecified, please follow these rules: don’t wear see-through clothes and cover décolletage, belly button and legs to the knee.
Don’t take part in any volunteering activities if you are sick, drunk or if you have taken any drugs. Those situations will reduce your ability to interact with other people properly and it will increase the risks for other volunteers and clients.
You cannot smoke, use electronic cigarettes, drink alcohol or take drugs while volunteering.
You cannot bring your pet to any volunteering projects.
Children can take part in many projects, however many onlus have specific age restrictions. Please check the age limits of the projects and let the Project Leader know if you want to bring a minor volunteering with you.
Confidentiality of clients, situations and data you discover while volunteering must be respected. Please don’t share information about clients or news about specific situations to people outside the projects.
Please privately report to the Project Leader any abuse or anything you feel uncomfortable about a project.
Don’t establish any personal or social relationship with a client, such as exchanging phone numbers, giving lifts or any kind of special treatment.
Respect every other volunteers as well as clients: avoid sexual harassment, language abuse or any kind of abuse and violence.
The relation between MilanoAltruista and each volunteer is voluntary, so it can be broken in any moment without any specific reason by the volunteer or MilanoAltruista.
Please let us know any comments, ideas, suggestions or achievements at info@milanoaltruista.org. We will be glad to hear from you!