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What Kaumatua do for young people

Accompanying children

Whether it’s medical or psychological therapies, some children need to be accompanied to attend them, waited patiently while they’re going through them, and be taken home, for months or even years. For working parents this is practically impossible: it would mean asking for endless permits. Even if you can afford a taxi, transport is often

Support for children’s non-profit organizations

Children’s and youth associations are organisations: they need a secretariat, administration, IT and even marketing support, because without fundraising they wouldn’t get far. These roles, although not in direct contact with children and young people, are nevertheless useful to run the association and therefore to young and very young people. Some Kaumatua, who have specific

Volunteers to support the operators

Whatever the mission of your association and whatever kind of children you offer help to, there is always more work to do than arms, minds and curiosity to do it. Mature adults are particularly suited to interact and care for youngsters because they have sensitivity, experience and patience. Usually they can support the operators by

School trips

When it comes to taking children around the city, for example to visit a museum or to see a film or a play, a hundred eyes are needed. Some parents can help, but most are at work and cannot. A Kaumatua can solve the problem by accompanying the teachers.

Support for non-native speakers

Non-native speakers are arriving in the classroom increasingly often. Sometimes even their parents don’t know Italian very well. It is important to be able to help them immediately, before the gap with their classmates becomes too great, to avoid them slipping just because they have language difficulties and lose interest in school.

You don’t know whether to go abroad or not

Sometimes after graduation there are interesting possibilities in other countries. But what would living in another country be like? What are the pros and cons of moving out? Is it easy to get back in? There are a thousand practical and career aspects for which a chat with a kaumatua might be a good idea.

You’ve just graduated

If you’ve just graduated and you don’t have a clear plan to face the world of work, don’t worry! Talk to a Kaumatua who has the same or a similar degree, or a Kaumatua who knows the job market well.

Simulated job interviews

If you are a young person who has to face the first job interviews, it may be convenient for you to do some simulation with a Kaumatua, who has already done many interviews (being “on both sides of the barricade”). Kaumatua can make you understand which attitudes are favorable in a job interview: they can

Support with the preparation of the business plan

The business plan is a fundamental tool to communicate your business idea to potential investors and supporters of the project. It’s also a tool for internal use. Doing the business plan right means getting off on the right foot. If you have doubts regarding how to structure it or how to implement some parts, perhaps

Advice on a job

If you’re thinking about taking up a certain job, perhaps it could be useful to talk to someone who has been doing it for decades and can explain you what it is about, giving you some tips to avoid mistakes and wasted time.